Pearls of Positivity: Deck of Cards

777.00 price_including_tax

This Pearls of Positivity Deck of Cards helps to speed up manifestations, using psychological techniques .

It is capsuled to have you sum up desires and manifestations, as well as prompt you to discover something truly innate to you, and serves as a reminder of all that you have achieved and all that is coming your way!

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Especially curated to bring about fulfillment & self-discovery, Pearls of Positivity is an Affirmation Deck of Cards  for the ones newly venturing into the magical world of Vision Boarding, journaling and manifesting. 

It prompts self-discovery, growth, development and speeds up Manifestations, above all things!

They facilitate healing and is made with love, Prana ॐ & energy-infused with strength, empowerment & prayers for good vibes. 

A perfect gift for a loved one who’s learning to love themselves, healing from trauma or working towards the life of their dreams!


7 cm X 12 cm




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