Divinely Guided Exchanges

Chakra & Aura Healing Session

Our body is not only made up of the physical body- we have an energy that extends beyond our physical well being. Through Chakra & Aura healing, we are channeling our energies to this energy body. The purpose of chakras is to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health of the body in balance.

Here we help guide you which chakra of yours is blocked or unbalanced and help to heal, balance and cleanse it with energy exchanges along with guidance on how to keep them strengthened.

Time: 45 mins

Energy Exchange: ₹444

Feeling guided?

Angel Card Reading Session

Get Angelic Divine guidance about the issues you are facing, through an intuitive guided reading along with a focus on how to resolve and overcome the issues, straight from the Angelic Realms.

What is truly amazing about Angelic Guidance? The nurturing guidance & Angelic wisdom that is encouraging & supports you through your journey with hope & inspiration!

Angels Card Reading is perfect if you’re feeling low and are looking for upliftment and some much needed answers to your current situation.

Time: 35 mins

Energy Exchange: ₹555

Feeling guided?

Tarot Card Reading Session

Gain insights on your past, present and future through the ancient practise of Tarot Card Reading to eliminate all your confusions, doubts and uncertainties in life.

Plus, we’ll also offer Divine guidance on how to overcome these issues.

Time: 35 mins

Energy Exchange: ₹555

Feeling guided?

Numerology Consultation

Get a deeper insight on your strengths & weakness and how to smoothen the obstacles that stand in your way through an in-depth numerology reading and suggestions on how to tweak your name & align it to your stars to bring you luck, success & open up opportunities for you in ways unimaginable and life changing!

Energy Exchange: ₹555

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Crystal Healing & Guidance Session

Crystals hold many solutions & answers to the issues and obstacles you’re facing, boost low energy, prevent negative energy from affecting you, release blocked energy, and transform your body’s aura as well as increasing your manifestation & psychic powers!

We’ll tell you which crystals would truly bring about a remarkable change in your situation & guidelines about how to make it work for you with in special ways! 

Energy Exchange: ₹333

Feeling guided?

Soul Plan Reading Session

Do you want to know your life purpose?

Are you still searching, but haven’t found any answers?

Do you feel that there is something bigger that you’re destined for in this life?

A soul plan reading is the answer to these!

Discover your soul’s purpose for this life divided into 3 phases of your life and find what your calling is and what your strengths and weaknesses are and how you can improve them to find success in what you want to do!

Energy Exchange: ₹999

Feeling Guided?

Tea Leaf Reading Session

This lost art of Tea Leaf Reading truly offers a window to the future.

Discover fortune telling in the most unconventional way- a divination practice through redirection of energy, demystifying secret messages, advises & forecasts the universe has to offer!

Time: 30 mins

Energy Exchange: ₹444

Feeling Guided?

Pranic Healing Session

Channeling energies to bring about healing in multiple facets of your life- illness, abundance, mental & inner peace and so much more.

What truly makes Pranic Healing unique? Its a no-touch Healing System that works on multiple levels- mental, emotional as well as physical!

Time: 45 mins

Energy Exchange: ₹555

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